លោក ខឹម វាសនា ប្រតិកម្មនឹងអ្នកនយោបាយទាំងឡាយដែលមិនខ្វល់នឹងរឿងបោកប្រាស់

ការបោកប្រាស់មួយកំពុងធ្វើយ៉ាងបើកចំហរចំពោះពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរល្ងង់ខ្លៅទាំងឡាយនៅក្នុងវត្ដមួយក្នុងខេត្ដកណ្ដាល ដែលជនបោកប្រាស់នោះមានឈ្មោះថា ធាន វុទ្ធី។ជននេះបានបោកប្រាស់
ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្រោមរូបភាពនៃការសំដែងខ្លួនជាតួរអង្គព្រះសិអារ្យមេត្រ័យ នៅក្នុងលោកិយ៍នេះ។ដើម្បីបង្ហាញថាខ្លួនជាជនមានរឹទ្ធិីបារមី ជននេះបានអោយគេកសាងបាល័ង្គសំរាប់អោយខ្លួន ដើម្បី

វាហួសហេតុពេកដែលអ្នកនយោបាយជាច្រើន ចង់កសាងសង្គមអោយស្អាតស្អំតែបែរជាមិនដែល
លឺនិយាយអំពីអំពើអាក្រក់ ឬជនឆបោកដែលកំពុងតែមានសកម្មភាពក្នុងសង្គមខ្មែរបែបនេះទៅ
វីញ។ តើហេតុអ្វីបានជាអ្នកនយោបាយជាច្រើនដែលខ្លួនចេញធ្វើនយោបាយប្រកាសថាចង់កសាង
សង្គមស្អាតស្អំ តែបែរជាមិនមាននរណាម្នាក់ចេញមុខប្រឆាំងនឹងជនបោកប្រាស់បែបនេះទៅវិញ?

វាអត់អ្វីចំលែកនោះទេ បើប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរចេះធ្វើការពិចារណាវែកញែកចំពោះអ្នកនយោបាយទាំ
អស់នោះអោយបានច្បាស់លាស់នោះ។ សំរាប់ខ្ញុំជាពលរដ្ឋម្នាក់ដែលបានតាមដានរាល់គ្រប់អ្នក
នយោបាយនៅស្រុកខ្មែរនោះ ខ្ញុំអាចសំគាល់បានថា អ្នកនយោបាយទាំងឡាយទាំងបក្សប្រឆាំង
និងបក្សកាន់អំនាចដែលពួកគេសុទ្ធតែប្រកាសថា ដើម្បីសង្គមស្អាតស្អំ តែបែរជាមិនហ៊ានចេញមុខ
ប្រឆាំនឹងការបោកប្រាស់បែបនេះនោះ គឺដោយសារតែពួកអ្នកនយោបាយទាំងឡាយនោះក៏ជាជន
បោកប្រាស់ ដែលកំពុងតែបោកប្រាស់និងបន្លំបន្លប់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរនេះផងដែរ។ 

វាគួរអោយខ្មាស់គេណាស់ ដែលខ្លួនឯងមិនស្អាតផង តែហ៊ានថាគេអាក្រក់នោះ។ អ្នកនយោបាយ

សាសនា នយោបាយនិងអង្គការសង្គមស៊ីសុទ្ធតែជាជនរងគ្រោះដ៏គួរអោយខ្លាចជាទីបំផុតសំរាប់
ពួកយើងដែលកំពុងតែធ្វើការងារដើម្បីពួកគេ ប្រឆាំងនឹងការបោកប្រាស់ទាំងឡាយនាពេលនេះ។

ពិភពលោកនេះមិនមែនត្រូវបានបំផ្លាញដោយមនុស្សអាក្រក់នោះទេត្រូវបានបំផ្លាញដោយមនុស្សល្អទាំងឡាយឈរអោបដៃមើលអំពីអាក្រក់។ នេះជាគតិរបស់អ្នកប្រាជ្ញពិភពលោកម្នាក់។
ពិតណាស់សង្គមខ្មែរនាពេលនេះក៏ដោយគ្នា វានឹងមិនរលាយដោយសារតែមនុស្សអាក្រក់នោះ
ឡើយ តែវានឹងរលាយដោយសារតែមនុស្សល្អទាំងឡាយសំងំសុខរស់យករួចតែខ្លួនរបស់ពួក

Mr. Khem Veasna Confirms about the real intention of the people

The real desire of the Khmer people, is not only a democratic society. But it is happiness, peaceful  life to live on their own territory.

League for Democracy Party is now trying to explain all Cambodian People about basic knowledge to use their right and power in democratic society for their useful.

Khmer People's lives can live in peace, it is so important relates to their knowledge in using their rights and powers in a democratic society. So that why we have to explain our people to be good with quality knowledge.

What is real 7 January 1979?

what is 7 January day of 1979? Is it a day of vietnam help Khmer or invade Khmer under shape saving?
This video is talking about 7 January in Khmer language.

Believe makes people be stupid

When the people accept in believe they don't think about reason of what they believe in  is right or wrong and then they live in the manner of their believe. But their accepting of any believe it really end their knowledge. Most of Cambodia People are staying in that habit. They never find out any reason in what they have been believe in but they seem know every thing is right. But actually getting believe without thinking is end their knowledge.

Quotes from Mr. Khem Veasna

“Right or wrong cannot be determined by the amount of support.”

Quotes from Mr. Khem Veasna

“You may dislike me for what I say to you. However if to gain your love means to suppress a truth from the depth of my heart. I am satisfied being disliked.”

The False Natures Of Khmer People Is Challenges Of Development

If the character of the people Khmer is not changed, no one can help Khmer. 

To develop Cambodia, the first main point, have to change Khmer's false character, if do not so, don't hope will have someone can help Khmer. Mr. Khem Veasna is a leader of League for Democracy Party (LDP), who is working straits  rates in varying character or wrong habit of Khmer's thinking in order to reach the permanent development.

Khmer people have so many wrong habit of their thinking have to change it, if we don't change their wrong habit first, we will not obtain resources to build our country. Fate of Cambodia it depend on Khmer's thinking.

The knowledge is the so important for them to in their development themselves. 
The base knowledge they need to development themselves:
1. Basic of thinking on society moral
2. Basic of thinking on democracy and politics.
3. Basic of thinking on Dharma.

Mr. Khem Veasna was crying, pity Cambodian People

Mr. Khem Veasna: In this world no any where that can give us peaceful place than our motherland. I want to call all you (all khmer people) to joint with us together to build our motherland together for our peace us on our territory.
O!All Khmer People, in this world where no place that can provide us a peace than our motherland. 
But if all you are looking to our motherland, What can it give peace to us?
Mr. Khem Veasna was crying while he was speaking to Khmer People at Battambong forum.

Changing People's Thinking is a Starting Point of Development

To developing countries, we have to change the mindset of the people first.
The unbeaten winner of the citizens of a country to another country, it depends on the  people' thinking of that country. So changing of the people' thinking order they can change their orientation toward the right idea, it is the starting point of the infinite development in which their country.
Look more at: http://www.camldp.org  or http://leaguefordemocracyparty.org

Revolution the mindset

We never expected that work for revolution is an easy task for us, because we already know the revolution mindset, it is a job that many people are understood and thought impossible.

But we still do it, no matter what most people thought that, because this is a proper single attempt that can determine the fate and development of our country, to bring the real peace for our people that submit by our attending.
Find out about us at: http://www.camldp.org  or http://leaguefordemocracyparty.org

Vietnam is trying to invade Cambodia

Vietnam tried to invade Cambodia for long time in order to increase their country and point to fight China.
Today in Cambodian Government has many vietnamess to control Khmer under by just stand for by Mr. Hun Sen. Mr. Hun Sen is just a man that Vietnam use to hide them from Cambodian People only.
The reality Cambodian Government was control by Vietnam.
Mr. Khem Veasna talks about plan of Vietnam invade Cambodia.

No where is safety than our motherland

In this world no where can provide us peaceful beside our nation. But if we are looking to our nation, it has no any thing that we can live in happiness. Every thing in our country was lost because of selfish people under cambodian government today. So that why we have to leave our nation to work at other country even we don't want to leave it. However those places are not a peace place for us. We really need a warm place in this world for our living, is our nation: Cambodia.
Find out about us in english at: http://leaguefordemocracyparty.org/

Find out about us in Cambodian at: http://www.camldp.org

Point of Movement

Giving positive thinking about the goal of our lives, it is the point of the beginning to pull for our movement
in our country. We are working hard forward to our goal without concern about others people vision. 