The False Natures Of Khmer People Is Challenges Of Development

If the character of the people Khmer is not changed, no one can help Khmer. 

To develop Cambodia, the first main point, have to change Khmer's false character, if do not so, don't hope will have someone can help Khmer. Mr. Khem Veasna is a leader of League for Democracy Party (LDP), who is working straits  rates in varying character or wrong habit of Khmer's thinking in order to reach the permanent development.

Khmer people have so many wrong habit of their thinking have to change it, if we don't change their wrong habit first, we will not obtain resources to build our country. Fate of Cambodia it depend on Khmer's thinking.

The knowledge is the so important for them to in their development themselves. 
The base knowledge they need to development themselves:
1. Basic of thinking on society moral
2. Basic of thinking on democracy and politics.
3. Basic of thinking on Dharma.

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